Investors buying a preferred equity position in funds with a structured investment approcach can more easily decrease risk compared to investors in traditional secondary funds, according to a study conducted by 17Capital and PERACS.
LPs have a more positive view of private equity in the Asia-Pacific region and plan to be active buyers and sellers in the secondaries market within the next two years, according to a new report by Coller Capital.
The finding of a study conducted by 17Capital and PERACS justifies that investors often require a greater discount when investing in a tail-end fund.
Pricing in the secondary market has begun to plateau but remains strong, despite a declining Euro and volatile oil prices, according to Greenhill Cogent’s first quarter secondary briefing.
An extension before the Volcker Rule takes effect gives financial institutions more time to comply.
The largest secondaries buyers have more than $1bn of capital to invest in secondaries, according to a survey conducted by AXON Partners.
Carlyle Asia Partners III raised $2.5bn and currently owns Chinese consumer appliance manufacturer Haier Electronics.
The lifespan of the median private equity fund has grown to 13.2 years, according to research from Palico.
Inbound investment into real estate in Asia will record higher growth volumes compared to outbound investments in 2015.
Portfolio rebalancing is most LPs’ primary reason for selling on the secondaries market, according to Sixpoint Partners.