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Expectations of capital distributions are up, with high pricing and dry powder dampening deployment, according to a report by Rede Partners.
Just over half of LPs have experienced greater transparency from fund managers since 2015, a new report claims.
Stakes in funds near the end of their lives with considerable remaining NAV have moved from being a specialist to a mainstream pursuit – and leverage can help buyers maximise returns..
The global investment firm's latest vehicle in the strategy will focus on secondaries and co-investments.
The $1.9trn investor wants to mitigate the J-curve effect in the first three years of its private equity programme.
The French spinout is planning to launch a fund of funds vehicle with secondaries and co-investment pockets by the end of the year.
The Finnish investment firm has acquired a bundle of buyout stakes in a €138m deal from the French asset manager, Secondaries Investor has learned.
A 'flood of capital' in secondaries has pushed up valuations for flow names, according to the investment firm's Asia-Pacific private equity co-head.
Early figures indicate it could be a stellar market this year on the back of several large stapled deals and fund closes in H1.
The deal involves stakes in the Swedish firm's 2011-vintage buyout fund and a commitment to its latest Asia-focused vehicle.

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