Jon Costello
In the wake of former head Larry Thuet's retirement, Jonathan Costello talks to Secondaries Investor about growth plans for the firm, single asset restructurings and securitisations.
Northleaf Capital Partners' latest fund is more than three times larger than its predecessor. Managing director Michael Flood discusses how the firm plans to deploy the vehicle and the additional $500m it amassed in SMAs.
In the current late cycle pricing environment, secondaries buyers need to play to their strengths, according to managing director Tristram Perkins.
The limited partner's senior investment officer, John Bradley, discusses how secondaries fits into the pension’s PE portfolio.
Simon Nixon
Do job-seekers or employers hold the power? How do salaries compare between buyside and advisors? Who’s hiring? We caught up with Simon Nixon from executive search firm Carpenter Farraday.
Scott Halsted, managing partner of Leerink Partners, discusses steep discounts, regulatory risk and how to deploy in a small and difficult market.
Ludovic Douge, head of secondaries at advisory firm and placement agent Jasmin Capital, discusses FIPs and FCPIs and why an inability to extend the vehicles' lives is spurring restructuring opportunities.
Scott Conners, former co-manager of Landmark's private equity team, discusses the role that tempted him out of retirement.
Montana Capital Partners' co-founders speak to Secondaries Investor about doubling up on their latest fund and what a downturn could mean for complex deals.

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