As stapled deals evolve to take all shapes and sizes, GPs and their advisors must continue to disclose their effect on pricing to LPs.
The increasing acceptance of GP-led deals has opened up opportunities in the smaller end of the market, but unique challenges arise when dealing with smaller funds.
Lumpiness, rather than sentiment, is why secondaries fundraising is down.
In the wake of former head Larry Thuet's retirement, Jonathan Costello talks to Secondaries Investor about growth plans for the firm, single asset restructurings and securitisations.
Stafford’s successful takeover of a $259m timber fund suggests most investors value a guaranteed exit today more than higher promised gains tomorrow.
At a secondaries-themed breakfast we found that, unlike the pastries, changes to US tax rules are not going down well.
Northleaf Capital Partners' latest fund is more than three times larger than its predecessor. Managing director Michael Flood discusses how the firm plans to deploy the vehicle and the additional $500m it amassed in SMAs.
For all the debate it provokes, the conventional hurdle rate has remained stubbornly untouched since the ’80s.
In the current late cycle pricing environment, secondaries buyers need to play to their strengths, according to managing director Tristram Perkins.
Expect a document that gets into the weeds when the LP body issues its best practices for fund restructurings.