While GP-led processes can be technically and legally complex, emotions are often the biggest hurdle to closing a deal.
Large North American public pension plans may be fuelling one part of the secondaries market, while pouring cold water on another.
A GP-led deal in the music royalties space shows how adventurous secondaries investors are getting and how readily existing deal types can be applied to new asset classes.
The desire of private equity firms to hold assets for longer is creating misalignment with their LPs – and conditions for the secondaries market to thrive.
Concerns from a sophisticated institutional investor should be heeded… to a point.
News has emerged of an energy GP-led deal that could be worth $5bn; such deals are full of pitfalls.
The rise of single-asset transactions has left some market practitioners unimpressed.
The secondaries market is going from strength to strength. Can anything throw it off track?
Five surprising themes emerged from secondaries discussions on the French Riviera this week.
GPs worried about the UK's fate but who want to leave money on the table should look to secondaries for their backup plan.