Rod James
IDG Capital, which has $20bn in assets, is understood to have run a novel yuan-to-dollar secondaries process advised by Lazard.
This week Secondaries Investor moderated a panel on the debt secondaries market hosted by sister publication Private Debt Investor. Here is what we learned from the discussion featuring executives from Manulife Investment Management, Tikehau Capital and Pantheon.
The deal involving Medicxi was based around six assets and completed at a premium to NAV, co-founder Francesco De Rubertis told Secondaries Investor.
The proportion of respondents who are 'not concerned' about liquidity was 81% across the summer, compared with 46% in the spring, according to a survey by the advisory firm.
RCP Advisors was targeting a summer final close for its $150m overage fund, which will invest alongside its flagship secondaries fund in coronavirus-induced opportunities.
London-based Rede, which hired a new head of secondaries in January, worked on €867m of deal volume in 2019.
Montana Capital Partners has been investing its €800m Fund IV, which held its final close in 2018.
Paris-based investment manager Tikehau hired StepStone's Olga Kosters to head up the strategy in November.
The $60bn US pension backed the Revelstoke and Accel-KKR GP-led deals last year and expects to invest in more before the year is out.
The firm is in market targeting $1.25bn for its latest flagship secondaries fund.